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Please donate to these Animal rescue sites

animals thailand worldwide rescue donations

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#1 onerom



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Posted 06 April 2014 - 11:30 PM

About a year ago I setup recurring donations to some animal rescue sites, I wish I have more to give but I just give what I can.


Each of us have something, even if a small tiny amount, but please consider donating to these animal rescue sites in Thailand (or anywhere for that matter). Lets push hard to give better lives for our little four leg cutie creatures.


Here are some sites:



https://www.thevoice...foundation.org/ - The Voice of Animals Foundation (Buriram & Chiang Mai)

https://tmtrd.org/ - The Man that Rescues Dogs - Chonburi

https://www.soidog.org/ - Soi Dog based out of Phuket

http://www.home4animals.org/ - All thai language website

https://www.facebook.com/AnimalArmyTH/ - Animal Army TH Pattaya




https://animalvoicekohchang.com/ - Koh Chang

https://www.th-tgp.org/home - The Giving Project

https://www.happydoggo.com/ - Happy Doggo

https://portal.dnp.go.th/ - Dept. of Parks, Wildlife & Conservation


Help Animals Groups in Thailand

รักหมาคลับ - https://www.facebook...s/rak.mah.jung/

กลุ่มคนรักหมา - https://www.facebook...56820761457988/

รักหมา - https://www.facebook...84025121659053/

รักหมา ทาสแมว - https://www.facebook...98567510412327/

มูลนิธิวอชด็อกไทยแลนด์ WDT - https://www.facebook...36845707639170/

ชมรมคนรักสุนัข - https://www.facebook...romkonruksunuk/

กลุ่ม "ทาสหมา" - https://www.facebook...09666099304278/

กลุ่ม คนรักสุนัข - https://www.facebook...62240514213229/

ช่วยเหลือสุนัขจรจัด - https://www.facebook...68705136513644/

คนไทยรักสัตว์ ไทยเลิฟแอนนิมอล - https://www.facebook...58632207608973/

World Animal Protection Thailand องค์กรพิทักษ์สัตว์แห่งโลก - https://www.facebook...ectionThailand/


Animal Shelters in Thailand:

บ้านกัญญาภัทร-เพื่อหมาแมวที่ถูกทอดทิ้ง - https://www.facebook...100064850913773
ป้าจุ๊ บ้านพักสี่ขาเพื่อหมาจร (Pacu Home for stray dogs) - https://www.facebook...meforstraydogs/

มูลนิธิบ้านสงเคราะห์สัตว์พิการ(home4animals) - https://www.facebook...home4animalsth/



http://www.aspca.org/ - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

http://www.captiveanimals.org/ - "CAPS" Captive Animals Protection Society

http://www.peta.org/ - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

http://www.save-the-elephants.org/ - To secure a future for elephants

http://www.wildaid.org/ - Wild Aid

http://www.humanesociety.org/ - Humane Society, help animals




http://www.hopeforpaws.org/ - Hope for Paws animal rescue site



https://thehowsofpaws.com/ - Hows of Paws (east of Manila, Philippines)

https://www.caraphil.org/ - CARA Phil

http://www.paws.org.ph/ - PAWS (Philippines Animal Welfare Society)

https://www.facebook.com/mbypras - MBY Pet Rescue and Sanctuary



https://animal-mama.com/ - Animal Mama

https://ar-cambodia.com/ - Animal Rescue Cambodia

https://ppaws.com/ - Phnom Penh Animal Welfare Society


Help Animals groups in Cambodia:

Lost & Found Pets Phnom Penh  - https://www.facebook...097091394872517
Phnom penh expats & Locals - https://www.facebook...85103601671597/
Cambodia Pet Adoption & Rescue - https://www.facebook...ups/CambodiaPet
Helpful clinic:
VSL Veterinary Clinic - https://vslveterinary.com/

If you know anymore please post the links.


Thank you!

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#2 zachary


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Posted 27 April 2014 - 03:09 PM

Great thread.... :)

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#3 oldmanbkk


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Posted 19 June 2014 - 05:37 AM

Watching tv on "Right This Minute" on HLN network, seen a man save a dog in a well, in India, they have website http://www.animalaidunlimited.com/

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#4 onerom



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Posted 05 October 2014 - 03:43 PM

I just bought 1 of those usb sticks from the Home4animals girls standing outside of Central Rama 9. They said they do this for their company, it's like ACCPA or something like that, based in England, but also have offices in USA.

I forgot what it was, like 1000 baht or something for like 1 or 2 gb stick. But whatever, just wanted to make sure they get something for the animals :)

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#5 bangkokafterdark


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Posted 06 October 2014 - 10:44 AM

I was at Central and I wanted to just give 100 baht, they said they couldn't , and that it has to be 300 for a bag, or 1000 for a usb stick, or for something, so they can write a receipt to ensure there is no corruption and to make sure all the monies donated will be accounted for.


So i flipped them a 300 and got a little bag thingy. Didn't want it, but just wanted to give a little something. She said 100% of proceeds goes towards helping those animals.

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#6 zachary


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Posted 20 October 2014 - 10:01 AM

There is also 1 in Chiang Mai called Santisook Dogs & Cats Rescue Foundation



But I can't load the website quite right, some issue about desktop/mobile or something



There is also Lanna Dog Welfare


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#7 zachary


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Posted 22 January 2015 - 06:11 PM



Also found this page http://bk.asia-city....rs-adopt?page=8


And they have a great list:




Rak Maw: Generosity for Stray Cats
rakmaw@gmail.comwww.rakmaw.com and www.facebook.com/catroompantip
Adopt Me Please, Rescued from the Dog Meat Trade
Doglike.com: Just Share For A Home
02-860-1142 ext. 52, http://bit.ly/WgUGXX
Home for Handicapped Animals Foundation
02-584-4896, 02-961-5625, www.home4animals.org
Thai Animal Guardians Association
02-373-2886, 02-728-1658, www.thaiaga.org
Dog Chance
02-258-7097, www.dogchance.com
Soi Dog Foundation
081-788-4222, info@soidog.orgwww.soidog.org
SOS Animals Thailand
086-303-9806, sos.animals.th@gmail.comwww.facebook.com/SOS.Animals.Thailand
The Voice for Animal
085-912-2777, www.facebook.com/thevoiceforanimals
Pueng Khang Tanon
086-602-3482, www.facebook.com/midroadlover
Dog Nation Team
We are finding home for dogs
081-702-2708, 081-868-9521, www.facebook.com/WeAreFindingHomeForDogs - See more at: http://bk.asia-city....h.2NpolQ8h.dpuf

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#8 zachary


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 11:24 AM

I found this site "ThailandDog.org"




They accept donations and volunteers, and I think are based out of Pattaya.

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#9 kimmynyc


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Posted 15 June 2015 - 05:20 AM

I found one today from Facebook.




This one you can adopt pets, or volunteer to help animals stay at your place until they find people to adopt them. A lot of these seem to be puppies and kittens. For those of you in Bangkok (or anywhere in Thailand) please help!!!!


I'm not there, but if i was!!!!!

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#10 kimmynyc


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Posted 17 August 2019 - 11:57 PM

last week i volunteered helping at the soidog shelter, feels really good to help them and help those animals. We need MORE supplies, donations and help!


About a year ago I setup recurring donations to some animal rescue sites, I wish I have more to give but I just give what I can.


Each of us have something, even if a small tiny amount, but please consider donating to these animal rescue sites in Thailand (or anywhere for that matter). Lets push hard to give better lives for our little four leg cutie creatures.


Here are some sites:



https://www.soidog.org/ - Soi Dog based out of Phuket

http://www.home4animals.org/ - All thai language website



http://www.aspca.org/ - American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

http://www.captiveanimals.org/ - "CAPS" Captive Animals Protection Society

http://www.peta.org/ - People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

http://www.save-the-elephants.org/ - To secure a future for elephants

http://www.wildaid.org/ - Wild Aid

http://www.humanesociety.org/ - Humane Society, help animals




http://www.hopeforpaws.org/ - Hope for Paws animal rescue site



http://www.paws.org.ph/ - PAWS (Philippines Animal Welfare Society)



If you know anymore please post the links.


Thank you!

#11 zachary


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Posted 29 October 2022 - 11:30 PM

Btw, my friend discovered a dog who was hit by a car last year... he asked me to help, I found AnimalArmyTH https://www.facebook.com/AnimalArmyTH/ and these guys went to pickup the dog, gave him medical care, and had him fixed up , these are some VERY helpful people, so if anyone sees an animal in need please contact them. And for anyone looking to donate, please consider donations to AnimalArmy :)

#12 zachary


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Posted 27 March 2024 - 04:26 PM

Found another one, this HappyDoggo is from Niall Harbison https://www.happydoggo.com/

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: animals, thailand, worldwide, rescue, donations

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